I am Angelie Sioson

Frontend Web Developer

About Me

Angelie as Developer

Hi! I am Angelie Sioson. I am an accountant by profession but a tech savvy by passion. Ever since I was a child, I have this one of a kind interest with technology. But as I grew up, it was never introduced to me as a possible career pathway, hence, I graduated as an Accountant. But over the course of me practicing my accounting degree, the enthusiasm to learn more about technology, coding in particular, is growing more and more. I find myself Googling and Youtubing tutorials of how to do this and that. Until I decided to succumb to my innermost desire to immerse myself with actual coding experience. I enrolled myself to various beginner's and advanced courses mainly on uDemy hoping it would let me gain enough coding skills to land a coding job and work on something I can show off to my kids in the future.


Covid-19 Global Tracker

Technologies used:

  • React Hooks
  • React Browser Router
  • Styled Components for CSS Styling
  • Fetch API
  • GitHub for Version Control

RandomQuote Generator

I used third party API where I made the call to get the quotes. This has a function of being able to share via Twitter the quotes that has been generated. It also has a button to easily generate new quote.

Work in Progress

Something exciting is cooking!!!.